Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Fields Are Ripe for Harvest

Last week I was given a tour of the Crownpoint area by Daniel Clymer and his father, Richard. Daniel pastors at Jemez Pueblo and serves as the Native American Consultant for the Baptist Convention of New Mexico. Thirty years ago Richard served as pastor at Crownpoint. They wished to familiarize me with the area, in the hope of soon beginning a new church there.

Back when Bro. Richard served there, the Crownpoint church was at least as strong as other Native American churches in Western Association. But as often happens among God's people, a series of unfortunate events led to the collapse of the ministry. Today I pray for a new start. Given Crownpoint's size (appx. 3000 population) and role (home to offices for the Eastern Agency of the Navajo Nation), this community is a priority site for new work.

Church planters will tell you that starting a new church anyplace is tough. My observation is that starting one in a Native American community where our previous work has died is even more so. As Henry Blackaby says, it's a God sized task.

But on this visit I saw how God was already at work, making a way for our new church. Bro. Richard introduced me to two sisters whom he baptized three decades before. Still remembering his ministry with them, they welcomed him as if he had never left. More pertinent to my purpose there, they welcomed me. And I learned they they would welcome a Bible study for their community, even hosting it in one of their homes.

There is a long way to go before we have a new church at Crownpoint. God must raise up a church planter who can serve there long-term. And there is more prospect discovery to be done and resources to be found. But God has given us some persons of peace. There is an open door to open hearts. This leaves me with little doubt that, as Jesus said, the fields are ripe for harvest (John 4:35).

Pray for Crownpoint... that God would raise up a church planter... that we would see His provision... and that a new church would emerge there faithfully calling people to faith in our risen Lord.

To His Glory!
Bro. Jim

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Congratulations Bro. Garland Moore

Western Association's Garland Moore was elected 1st Vice President of the Baptist Convention of New Mexico at the Convention's annual meeting, Oct. 28-29. Working as closely as I do with Garland, I can see in him what others do. He exemplifies my favorite Bible verse, Hebrews 13:7, "Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith."

I didn't have the opportunity to nominate Bro. Garland; but, had I done so, this is what I would have said:

"Mr. President. I wish to nominate for 1st Vice President Bro. Garland Moore. It has been said that one cannot lead others where he himself has not yet gone. Effective leaders have done and are doing what they call others to do. If this is true, than Garland Moore is definitely an effective leader, faithfully performing the most crucial tasks of a pastor.

"Garland is a pastor, faithfully serving the Immanuel Baptist Church. He is an evangelist. I've seen him linger at an intersection to witness with a highway worker. He is a missionary, having traveled oversees and across our nation to bring Christ to others. He is a church planter, leading his church in sponsoring two church-type missions as well as the Community Outreach Center in Grants. And he is a proven disciplemaker. Two men discipled under his ministry pastor those two church plants, while another serves in the local Truck Stop ministry, and many serve the Outreach Center. Most of all, he is a prayer warrior. I love to pray with Garland. It's obvious that, even as the prayer begins, this isn't the first time he's met with God today.

"When I consider all that any pastor need be, I see these qualities. And the fact that Garland so humbly displays them suggests to me that he is an appropriate role model and leader for our Convention. Thank you."

I certainly do not want to embarrass my brother; but, we can all learn from his testimony. So, to my friend and partner in ministry I say "Congratulations!" To the rest of us, let's consider the outcome of the way of life shown and imitate the faith propelling it, that our Lord would be glorified in all we do.

To His Glory!
Bro. Jim