Monday, September 22, 2008

Grace, In Any Language

Last Saturday my daughter Lydia and I spent the evening with the Grace Chinese Fellowship, a mission of First Baptist Socorro, New Mexico. It was the sixth anniversary for the ministry, and for Anna Tai, MSC Missionary who started the work. In addition to praise and worship, I preached, Pastor Bob Farmer of FBC recognized Anna for her faithful service, and two of the members shared their testimony. All in all, I believe the Savior was pleased.

For me the high point of the evening was the song service. Despite a few glitches with the technology, we joined together in authentic worship. Since most of the songs were original Chinese hymns, I listened with joy as my brothers and sisters loved God in their heart language. But we opened with Amazing Grace. With a polyglot slide on the screen, they sang out in Chinese while Lydia and I did so in English. Different language... different culture... but the same song to the same Lord, praising Him for His wonderful grace. And do you know what? Grace is amazing, no matter what language you speak.

Please pray for the Grace Chinese Fellowship. Chinese students comprise the largest group of international students attending the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro. God has raised up a core group to serve as the hub of a new church that will reach and disciple students for Christ before sending them back home in service to Him. Pray that this leadership base would continue to grow. Pray also for Anna, that a health concern would be quickly resolved. Most of all, pray that God's wonderful grace would continue to flow from this beautiful fellowship.

"to the praise of His glorious grace"

Bro. Jim

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Joyful Simplicity

Last Sunday was a treat. Karen, the kids, and I shared worship with the Laguna-Acoma mission, just outside of Grants, New Mexico. What a joyful celebration of Christ it was! We even witnessed a young mother follow the Lord in Baptism.

While there, I was stuck by the simplicity of it all. Back where I come from, if your church doesn't have all the bells and whistles, then you can't reach anybody (at least that's what everyone says). Don't have a first class worship team singing the latest choruses? Forget it. No video projector and PowerPoint? How do you expect anyone to receive Christ without those? I can't tell you how many churches I've visited (and served as pastor) where this was the mindset.

Now, don't misunderstand. I believe in using all the tools available. It's just that sometimes we rely too much on the tools and miss how God really works.

So it was refreshing to see a people gathering together in a simple church, giving their best to the Lord in song, with a simple God-fearing pastor sharing the Word. It reminded me how God doesn't need all the gimmicks and gadgets; he simply needs a faithful people following Him in simple faith. What a joy it was.

To His Glory!

Bro. Jim