Thursday, July 31, 2008

Unsung Heroes

We love our heroes... in sports... in movies... and even in ministry. I can remember how, back at preacher school, we preacher boys would dash to hear the latest mega-church pastor who came to town. We'd read his books as if they were classics. We'd pattern our ministries after him. Some would even preach his sermons (though never me, right?), replicating our hero's style right down to the slightest mannerism.

Now I praise God for those men called to the great churches and growing mission fields within our convention. I myself have learned much from them. The effect of their leadership cannot be ignored.


This week God opened my eyes to a wonderful reality. For every high-profile, mega-church pastor across the SBC, there are hundreds of unsung heroes. These heroes are the men who serve faithfully in the remote, hard, and slow to grow mission fields. I have the privilege of serving some as their associational missionary. They don't reach thousands, and no one outside of our corner of the world knows their names. But they serve faithfully, building the Kingdom of God one soul at a time. They are, therefore, worthy of our honor, our love, and our prayers.

Heb. 13:7 (ESV) says, "Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith." Ponder this for a few moments, then ask yourself whether the heroes you follow are really worth your attention.

Praise the Lord for His unsung heroes.

To His Glory!
Bro. Jim

Monday, July 14, 2008

Off to a great start!

It has been a month since our family packed up and moved to New Mexico, leaving not only a familiar place but a familiar ministry. As far as the place goes, we love our new home. The people are great, and there are so many cool places to visit.

In terms of ministry, it's incredible. Our churches have been so receptive. Relationships form the basis for my work. I know that genuine relationships grow over time, and I will need to let that happen. But so far, it's as if we've been here all of our lives.

Case in point: Last week Karen, James, and I helped the Laguna-Acoma Mission with Vacation Bible School. We just loved the church, and they loved us back. I know the encouragement meant a lot to Bro. Richard, but they were the real blessing to us. At least 7 people came to Christ -- five of them in the class Karen led.

There is so much more to share. God has been so good to us. It's still hard to imagine: we are North American Mission Board missionaries -- serving in line with all the "Home Missionaries" I heard so much about since I was saved. That God would give me this privilege is truly a wonderful gift of grace.

Please pray for us as we continue to get aquainted with the field God has called us to. Pray that God would grant me insight into the needs of the churches I serve. Most of all, please pray that all I do as Regional Associational Missionary -- and all we do as a family -- would bring a smile to our savior's face.

To His Glory!
Bro. Jim